Ông Lê Sơn Hải, Thứ trưởng, Phó chủ nhiệm Ủy ban Dân tộc, Chủ tịch Liên đoàn Billiards & Snooker VN (thứ ba từ trái sang), Ông Phan Chí Tâm – Chủ Tịch HĐQT Công ty Thẩm Định Giá Việt (thứ 2 từ trái sang), Nhà báo Dương Vũ Thông-Phó chủ tịch Hội nhà báo TP.HCM cùng các thành viên Ban tổ chức trao giải cho các VĐV.
In addition to Vietnam Valuation Criterion No. 11 - Real Estate Appraisal, Circular No. 145/2016 / TT-BTC provides Vietnam Criteria for appraisal of prices
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 89/2013 / ND-CP of August 6, 2013 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Prices on price appraisal;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 89/2013 / ND-CP of August 6, 2013 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Prices on price appraisal;
Appraisal is a field that is not new to many countries around the world, including Vietnam. Currently, the valuation market in Vietnam is growing very diverse and plentiful,
Analyzing the highest and best use of assets, the highest and best use of the land position, the highest and best use of renovated properties, the above analyzes need to be verify.