Analyzing the highest and best use of assets, the highest and best use of the land position, the highest and best use of renovated properties, the above analyzes need to be verify.
A method based on the comparison of the value of assets subject to price appraisal with the cost of manufacturing assets of the same usefulness as assets subject to price appraisal.
The best and best use case principle is based on the view that two or more properties may have physical similarities or similarities with other properties,
According to Decision No. 24/2005 / QD-BTC dated 18/04/2005 of the Ministry of Finance promulgating Standard No. 01 (SDGG 01) defining market value as a basis for asset price appraisal as follows:
Advising on the value and prices of assets to help property owners and related parties and the public invest in decisions related to buying, selling, investing, lending assets.
In addition to the principles of price appraisal applied according to Vietnam Standard No. 06 promulgated together with the Finance Ministry's Decision No. 77/2005 / QD-BTC of November 1, 2005, the principle of real estate price appraisal also there are some